Contacting The Maker of a Defective Product
Watch this video about contacting the maker of a defective product in Florida. Then call Paul Boone Law for a free legal consultation.Question:
Should I contact the company directly about a product that injured me?Answer:
When we speak to clients who have been hurt by a defective product, they often ask if it is okay to call the manufacturer. Maybe they’ve already spoken or received a phone call and they want to know whether they should talk to them. Uniformly, without exception, the answer is no. Do not talk to the company that made the product, the insurance company that may be insuring their device, or anybody on their side of the table because they do not have your interest at heart. They have the interest of their client, their insured at heart, and they are gathering information from you to help their case with their insured. They will not help you and they will only harm you. Do not talk to them.

Did you or a loved one experience an unreasonably dangerous product in Florida and have questions about contacting the maker of a defective product? Contact an experienced Nassau County defective product lawyer at Paul Boone Law today for a free consultation and case evaluation. Like Us on Facebook